☑Applications for permission to stay in Japan
If you are a foreigner, you need a residence status (zairyu-shikaku) to live or work in Japan. There are 29 different statuses of residence as stipulated by the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act. You may already have one of the residence statuses with a specific time limit, i.e., period of stay (zairyu-kikan).
To continue to live or work in Japan, you will need to appropriately maintain and update your residence status by attending to necessary applications and notifications before the relevant authorities.
To make the status of residence-related applications, you will need to fill in the required form and collect supporting documents to comply with the requirements. In some cases, you might need to prepare a petition, asking the immigration examiner to consider your circumstances to increase the chances of success.
If you are too busy to prepare such an application yourself, or you are wondering how and to what extent you should write down your situation, I would like to help you navigate and complete the process.
I can help you with applications for a Certificate of Eligibility (zairyu-shikaku-nintei-shomei-sho), change of status of residence, an extension of the period of stay, permission to acquire the status of residence, permission for permanent residence, permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted, and more.
Please check my blog posts under “Immigration” for helpful information. If you are interested in my services or have any questions, please email info@crissxing.com or fill in the contact form from here.

☑Applications for permission of naturalization
I can help you acquire Japanese nationality by applying for naturalization permission before the Ministry of Justice. To meet the requirements for naturalization, a significant amount of documentation must be prepared. I will support you through the process.
If you are interested in my services or have questions, please email me at info@crissxing.com or fill in the contact form from here.